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Amorphous Anslaught

Click an expanded image to learn more about my development process!

GENRE: Arcade

Software: Unity

Developed entirely by: Ian Vega

Year Made: 2017


Amorphous Anslaught is a game I built for my independent study in the spring of 2017. In it, you are the sole defender of a precious item, protecting it from the ever advancing horde of amorphous enemies who seek to take it from you. You must work tirelessly to keep the endless onslaught of enemies at bay, whether by blocking their advance or striking at them with your trident and blaster, all the while knowing that you stand alone against enemies who will not hesitate to strike you down should you get in their path.


Prior to my Capstone class at the University of Baltimore, I was not satisfied with how much I was learning about Unity and C#. I genuinely felt underprepared for what was ahead, so I took the initiative and reached out to a professor to take on an independent study. In this study, I got a crash course on the workings of Unity and the C# programming language, learning lots of new tricks and good practices. I also had a bunch of new experiences that taught me what to watch out for during development of a game.

These lessons I learned from making this prototype served me well when I ultimately made my Capstone game, Grab It and Go!

© 2024 Ian Vega

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