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ProtoPilot VR: Demo Video 2

ProtoPilot VR: Demo Video 2

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GENRE: Virtual Reality Arcade Game

Software: Unity, HTC Vive

Developed entirely by: Ian Vega

Year Made: 2018



This is an arcade game designed for the HTC Vive as a part of a virtual reality independent study. In it, you remotely control a prototype military vehicle with rudimentary controls. You are attempting to guide the prototype across a maze-like canyon from your aerial craft while also protecting it from the dangerous denizens of the canyon. Using a few tools available to you to attack your enemies from afar and your prototype's powerful beam weapon, you must find a safe route across the canyon, or at least a route where your prototype is not completely destroyed along the way.



In this game, I had to design an entire interactable VR framework from the ground up, including making objects interactable with the Vive controllers, picking objects up and throwing them realistically, making functional elements on certain items that can be held by pressing a button on the Vive controller, and even providing player teleportation to move from one area to another on foot. These components went through numerous revisions and iterations over the course of this project, until the framework was very modular and easy to add on to with new content.

© 2024 Ian Vega

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