Changelog before Milestone 1

It's Ian again. This time I'm going to keep things nice and short. Here's my progress on the programming side of things:
+Created an ItemManager system that tracks the items to be collected in a single level.
->Each Item has a tag that indicates what kind of object it is, and each Item communicates with the ItemManager when it is collected.
->When the ItemManager’s requirements for a particular item are reached, the player will be informed that they met the requirements.
->By extension, when the player finds enough items, the ItemManager informs the player of this. This will ensure that they know when they are close to finishing the level.
+Implemented extendable wheel axel functionality. The wheels can extend and retract up to a certain point, with the intent of tripping opponents. The downside is that the player will have trouble getting through tight spaces as a result, and it takes time to extend/retract the wheels.
+Wheels now rotate based on player speed.
+Implemented tripping trigger functionality to the player’s wheels and axles. If the player collides with an object with tripping functionality, it should have its tripping functionality executed.
+Added a descriptive tag for items, for use in a list.
+Added in a Door system, which enables the door to open and close for incoming moving objects.
+Began the basics of a NPC player-detection system, which detects the player as they pass by. NPC reactions to the player will vary.
+Created the basics of an Enemy and NPC.
->Created various statistics for each, including implementing the start of reaction behavior upon seeing the player, and movement statistics.
+Created the start of a universal NPC movement system, to be used by enemies and nonaggressive NPCs alike.
+Updated the LevelInitializer system to give Enemies player data on level startup.
+Began making a movement AI system.
->AI wandering routine is fully functional, and basic chase functionality is implemented.
That's it for now. It's safe to say that this week has been very productive for me. And that's just perfect, because this sets up the perfect foundation for my part of Milestone 1, which will be complete sometime tomorrow!