A New Look for the Player Character, and Post-Processing added!

It's been a busy few weeks since my last post, and some pretty notable changes have occurred. Two of these changes are quite significant.
The first is that our character, Bopp, has gotten an all-new look! I recently discovered that the character was slightly off-center on its pivot, and this was subtly impacting its movement and distance calculations. Not to mention that the player character's appearance was pretty basic. So thanks to Joel, we now have a brand new character model.
So here's a glimpse at the new character:

As you can see, the character now has a lot more detail, and a few glowy bits for good measure. On that note, however, I've also worked to implement post-processing to Grab It and Go! Basically, this has enabled me to give the existing game much more interesting graphics using what we already have as a base. Of note is the realistic glow around light sources, motion blur, and even some color tinting to give the game a more cartoonish feel.
Naturally, this is still in the early stages, and I may make more significant changes as time goes on, particularly as we replace a few other models that are seriously out of date. Our skillsets have greatly improved since we started development, after all, and there are some things we previously did that we know now were not such good ideas. But for now, here's a look at the Toy Store with this new post-processing system:

Now the game is looking better than ever! Next up, I'm going to be working with a new system provided by Unity: Cinemachine! With this system, I can begin setting up a brand new camera system that will surely add a whole new depth of field to the game! Check back soon for details!