Capstone Complete!

And so our Capstone comes to an end. The game is basically complete, and I’ve polished all the remaining things that needed to be taken care of. I’ve lightmapped the Mall and the Park, fixed the last of the glitches, and wrapped up with adding some proper credits to the main menu. Now the game is ready to present on exhibition day.
We’ll be headed to the University of Baltimore Campus on Tuesday to present our game, and hopefully things will go well. It’s been a great experience, and I’ve learned more than I can even hope to say. Now all that’s left is to present one last changelog.
So here is the last round of changes:
+Resized the Loading Screen text so that all of the loading text can be present on the screen at once.
+Revamped the Loading Screen feedback to remove decimal places from the loading text.
+Increased the Shadow Distance parameter for Good quality to 50 (up from 40).
+Updated Game Over messages to have a much larger text size.
+Updated some documentation of UI message systems.
+Added a proper spawning function for UI messages with set text sizes.
+Updated the Game Over message calling function to make the game over message text much larger than normal.
+Fixed an error where extending wheel controls were not disabled when the player is caught.
+Added some Carving NavMesh Obstacles to several areas where NPCs could wander to and clip other objects.
+Added a sitting NPC to attend to the lost shopping bag on a bench.
+Moved the Sinus Clearing Powder artifacts to more accessible locations on their tables, and increased their detection range to 8 (up from 5)
+Reduced the intensity of Sinus Clearing Powder lights to 0.5f (down from 1.0f).
+Fixed the LightSwitch material so it isn’t a number.
+Added some more ATMs around the Mall.
+Increased the speed of the Mall Sliding Doors animations.
+Added Jeehyun’s CoinOp ride to the Mall scene. Put several variants of it near the Play Area.
+Placed several more ATMs around the mall.
-Removed unnecessary hanging decimal numbers on several colliders.
+Added a Carving NavMesh Obstacle to a large plant area near the entrance to the mall to remove unnecessary NavMesh that might confuse some navigation.
+Made various posters and other planes and walls not cast shadows to optimize lightmapping.
+Fixed one of the sliding doors that wasn’t animating properly
+Created a new lightmap for the Mall.
+Added a light made of primitives to the mall, and began placing it around the scene.
+Added several point lights for the soda vending machine.
+Literally raised the roof of the entrance section of the Mall.
+Vastly simplified the number parameters on the majority of Mall prefabs.
-Removed completely unnecessary x, y, and z positioning parameters on the entirety of Park prefabs.
+Updated various environmental prefabs to not generate NavMesh terrain - marking their Navigation Areas as Not Walkable.
+Removed lots of unnecessary number parameters on various Mall objects.
+Rebaked the Mall NavMesh.
+Fixed the positioning of some objects around the southern paths that were levitating after terrain work.
+Added rigidbodies to two Carbonated Liquid Holders that were supposed to drop alongside a Theorist in an ambush.
+Removed an unnecessary collider on the Irelevant Information Source artifacts, causing double-collection bugs.
+Adjusted the Lake colliders to make the outskirts of the lake more navigable.
+Moved one bush in the SW court that was right on the park path
+Smoothed out a major slope along the southern path of the park.
+Smoothed out the southern side of the fountain court.
+Removed some transparent path texture on the edges of the southern and northern path, and solidified the path texture in several places.
+Refined the lake colliders for smoother navigation.
+Added more rocks on one end of the lake.
+Lowered a particularly big rock a little bit to ease navigation for player and NPCs alike.
+Moved a bush in the Northwestern side of the park that was creating a curiously long gap on one segment of NavMesh that forced NPCs to take an unusual route around it.
+Raised a small patch of ground disconnected from the boundary fence.
+Added a bush behind a bench near some talking Conspiracy Theorists to make it easier for the player to avoid being noticed by them while staying on the path near the Park’s well.
+Moved a Spaceship Replica artifact closer to an observing Conspiracy Theorist.
+Fixed a bush that was somewhat raised above the ground at the corner of the Park’s northwestern court.
+Removed unnecessarily long decimal values on various parameters of the Bush prefab.
+Vastly simplified the number parameters on the majority of Park prefabs.
-Also removed completely unnecessary x, y, and z positioning parameters on the entirety of Park prefabs.
+Increased the range of Irrelevant Information Sources’ detection range.
+Moved a rock near some cliffs a little into the cliffside to repair an odd, torn and crumpled section of NavMesh.
+Updated the Bush and Well prefabs so their Navigation Area is marked as Not Walkable for NavMesh generation.
+Updated tree prefabs so their Navigation Area is marked as Not Walkable for NavMesh generation.
+Moved several bushes throughout the park so it did not unreasonably restrict possible NPC navigation.
+Lowered a few trees whose roots were causing tears in the Park NavMesh.
+Lightmapped the Park.
+Rebaked Park NavMesh.
+Moved initialization of NPC AudioSources to Awake() instead of Start().
Main Menu
+Updated Credits with additional information
+Changed the title logo’s color to light green.
+Finalized the credits by crediting the external resources used.
+Updated the game version number to a new format - version 1.1.1 - using this format from now on.
-Removed an unnecessary AudioSource and Audio Adjuster Component on the Credits section of the Main Menu.
-Removed unnecessary hanging decimal place numbers on objects throughout the Main Menu.
Level Selection
+Added a music track for the Level Selection menu.
+Added a missing sound to one of the level selection buttons.
+Created a means to unlock all available levels instantaneously. This is considered a cheat, so good luck finding it!
+Modularized the Audio Adjuster system’s functionality, and set it to make an initial update on Awake() to prevent music/sounds from playing for a brief moment at improper volume at the start of a scene.