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It's almost over...

Happy Friday everyone! I have a few things I want to summarize today.

This past Tuesday, April 24th, Static Fluxx got to present Grab It and Go to a group of people during an event called "Student Research Day". Students and staff got to play our game firsthand. They were really impressed with the game, and enjoyed it as well. Some of the players even pointed out things that we overlooked. This made my team and I really appreciative of the event, and the chance to show off our work.

After seeing the progress of our game, I can't help but reflect back on the journey I've been on this past year. I have learned valuable lessons that I will keep in mind going into the future. I've learned that not everyone will get along, and that's okay. Even though we may not all agree on certain things, we communicate with one another. I can't tell you the number of times I got frustrated with some of my team mates. In the end, I focused on the game. With my game face on, I pulled my weight and it shows in the game.

Here's some advice to all of you game designers or aspiring game designers out there:

1 - Know who you want to work with, and make sure you can work well together.

2 - Learn as much as you can on game design

3 - Look up tutorials for help.

4 - Practice. Practice. Practice.

5 - Perhaps the most important tip - COMMUNICATION!

I have seen teams almost fall apart because of lack of communication. Don't be the next victims!

As our game development is coming to a close, I am finishing up the game's trailer! Next blog will include it!

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