Preparing our Presentation
Hey everyone, Looks like we are done with our prototype! This Tuesday, we will be showing off the prototype to our class. The...

Almost there...
So we are on the verge of completing our prototype. I would have liked to have incorporated more essential features for the game, but...

Getting our prototype ready
As we near the completion of part 1 of capstone, my team and I have figured out what to spend the rest of the semester working on. I am...

A slightly smaller change log
There’s less to report this week, as I’ve gotten to the point where there are just touchups and polishes that need to be done, coding and...

So far,,
So far, I have done character modeling, rigging and couple animations. However, since there was a problem with sizing the model right, I...

Deadlines and Cutbacks
When working on a game, you may face unexpected challenges. Sometimes those challenges need to be addressed, otherwise the team won't be...

Changelog, and Milestone 4
Things have been rather difficult these past two weeks. As we come closer to a final prototype, new issues have arisen that we’ve had...

Level fully created, polishes begin...
This week has seen a lot of lengthy changes, which have taken more of my time to properly execute… but it’s been worth it. The level can...

Playtest Playtest Playtest
With finals coming up, our stress levels are high. My team is doing their best to get the project completed as quickly as possible. We...

This week has seen a lot of lengthy changes, which have taken more of my time to properly execute… but it’s been worth it. The level can...