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Items, NPCs, and Bugs

So I've had another fairly productive week. Here's the new list of progress:

+Created prefabs for the toy store, complete with colliders.

+As a whole team, we fixed our models so that they would be the correct scale (and not at ridiculous decimal place measurements.

+Added more Item functionality, making items able to be marked as uncollectable, and becoming undetectable as items in the process.

+Added more connections between player scripts so that they can better communicate with one another.

+Built a brief tutorial for the player controls:

->The tutorial makes the player collect several objects before they can exit the toy store.

->It also disables the player’s extending axles until prompted to use that functionality.

+Added functionality to the ItemManager to have it trigger various events once the player has reached a certain number of collected items.

->These events may do a variety of things, from perhaps revealing other hidden items… to causing new enemies to spawn.

+Made the ItemManager a singleton - only one can exist in the scene at a time.

+Fixed a bug that freezes the game when an item is made uncollectable.

+Fixed a bug where an item can be collected an infinite number of times as long as the player keeps hitting the interact/collect button, even after the item has disappeared

+Created functionality to prevent the player’s axles from extending or retracting if an obstacle is in the way.

+Modified the player’s movement statistics to make the player character more easily maneuverable.

+Fixed a bug that caused the player to hard reverse if fully stopped, then pressing the opposite acceleration key than they had previously.

+Fixed a bug where the player begins to tilt in undesirable directions, making camera angle and controls harder to control.

+Re-implemented tripping functionality so that the player’s wheels and axle can go through NPCs, and trip them in the process.

+Updated NPC movement script with new behaviors to cause stunning when tripped.

+Updated NPC tripping behavior to cause damage to enemy NPCs, and to stun NPCs whether they are enemies or not.

+Made several key variables more accessible to other scripts for reference.

+Made the tripping functionality work only if the player is moving at a sufficient speed.

+Various minor tweaks


I should note an interesting fact: Apparently, you can’t get the keys for your axis controls (the controls you can customize) in the current control system in Unity. This is naturally a major issue, but it seems the Unity developers are working on it. Until then, I will have to stick with specifically stating the controls. It’s not good that you can’t get the names of your keys, and it seems like a huge oversight, but I guess it’s also good that the system is being redeveloped. Hopefully this issue won’t be an issue for much longer.

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