Milestone 2 Changelog

Here's the latest list of changes. This update covers all the changes that have been made to complete Milestone 2, and the game is really coming along. Now I'll be starting work on Milestone 3.
+Polished the NPC player detection system, making it more reliably detect the player.
+Dramatically increased the number of angles with which an NPC can detect the player.
+Set the NPC player detection system to ignore certain kinds of objects, including transparent objects, and other NPC player detection systems.
+Created base Collectable Event framework.
+Implemented a segment of the tutorial that opens up the toy store gate once the player has collected enough items in the toy store. This enables the player to go into the wider mall. Unfortunately, there’s still an issue. The animation does not work.
+Created the start of functionality that will enable the player to skip the tutorial. Specific trigger functionality is pending.
+Added ItemManager functionality to also manage target events the player must witness. For sake of clarity later, such events will be called “Collectable Events”.
+These Collectable Events are now fully functional, with an indicator that appears when the player is close to the event in question, and gives various feedback based on the player’s input on the event, whether they are in range or close enough to see that it’s an event. This proved to be quite time intensive, but at the end of the day, this will enable the player to trigger an animation once the player has been near the event long enough.
+Created the floor layout. Made into modular sections for easy modification.
+Adjusted NavMesh and Baked lighting to account for new changes.
+Added some benches
+Implemented a trigger that can shift a NPC to running speed and back when chasing/losing the player.
+Added in more instances of existing toys to the toy store.
+Modified shelf colliders so that the player’s wheels can go through the lowest shelf.
+Flipped the roof over to where it will be visible to the player, but won’t interfere with the camera.
+Made a easily-customized message bubble system that can display any number of messages, and handles its own cleanup when the message is no longer needed, or when another message appears to replace it.
+Updated the tutorial to use this new message system
+Made more objects static to make them properly work with the NavMesh system.
+Made key changes to how item collection is handled.
+Added in message functionality for item collection, with various messages being displayed based on the conditions of the item collection.
+Modified tutorial to account for the addition of item collection messages.
+Built a whole lot of prefabs for various objects.
+Greatly fleshed out the mall area layout.
+Implemented message bubble functionality for events.