A big changelog

This week has been especially productive on my end. Now some major gameplay functionality is in place, and I'm steadily getting the game ready for our first playable version. Here's the list of additions.
+Added more mall objects all over the place.
+Fixed the Toy Store gate - its animation works now, and is now linked to the tutorial.
+Made some toy shelves feel more cluttered and messy.
+Made several objects into collectable artifacts.
+Amended the Item Collection Event system so that events that trigger when a certain number of items have been found can have a delay before they trigger.
->This has enabled a change in the tutorial to make it open the tutorial gate after the last required item has been collected, and its collect message has been played.
+Made more NPC/Movement AI variables more accessible, so that they can be viewed, but not modified, by other scripts.
+Implemented base functionality for Conspiracy Theorist attacking behavior. It can now attack and ‘catch’ the player.
+Lots and lots of prefabs added.
+Adjusted the range from which the player can collect items, so that the player can collect items that are higher up (such as on higher shelves).
+Created a new section of the mall that will serve as its entrance. Additional store locations will line this area.
+Added rigidbodies to moving objects to reduce static collider regeneration.
+Built out more of the structure of the mall.
+Implemented a new message bubble.
+Finalized on a structure to serve as a generic store entrance, and started populating the mall with these store entrances.
+Updated Items and Collectable Events to have new checks in place to prevent multiple assignments of key objects that they need to reference.
+Created a white blur effect that keeps the player from seeing too far past generic store entrances.
+Created the start of catchable object functionality, creating the related interface and manager script, along with basic catch functionality.
+More prefabs, and arranged out more of the mall.
+Made a spawn point for the player when they are caught, along with functionality that should enable the player to be teleported there after being caught. Needs testing.
+Updated the NavMesh to account for new static objects in the scene.
+Added NavMesh Obstacles to push doors for generic store entrances.
+Added NavMesh Obstacles to the toy store gate.
+Made a new check to ensure that a Conspiracy Theorist won’t stop permanently if they “attack” an object that isn’t catchable.
+Reduced speed requirement for tripping opponents, and made tripping functionality have an enabled/disabled setting.
+Created proper catching functionality for the Conspiracy Theorist, and created proper caught functionality for the player.
->Ultimately relocates the player to a new location, and takes away a life (the latter part is pending).
->Created a new Catcher interface, which interacts with Catchable objects.
->Made numerous changes to AI Movement, Conspiracy Theorist, Player, and Player Axle scripts to accommodate these new features.
+Fixed a bug where if the Attack behavior of an NPC is stopped externally, the NPC won’t move afterwards. Any resuming of previous behavior will resume movement.
+Fixed a bug where a Capture Manager wasn’t setting itself up as a singleton.
+Lots and lots and lots of prefabs added.