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Almost there...

So we are on the verge of completing our prototype. I would have liked to have incorporated more essential features for the game, but these will have to wait until next semester. Regardless, the game is in okay shape. Here's the next to last changelog for this prototype.


+Added a Game Settings section to the pause menu. Specific functionality is pending.

+Made new menu functionality to cause specific menu tabs to reset subtabs each time they are called up, to prevent tab overlapping with each other.

+Reimplemented colliders to an updated child’s Play Area.

+Created the start of a audio management system, with multipliers for music and sounds, and functionality to change these multipliers.

+Added full functionality to the Game Settings to ensure music and sound adjusts as it is changed.

+Added the now fully-functional AudioManager script to objects with AudioSources.

+Fixed a bug where the Turbo Energizer item was not updating the player’s Acceleration and Deceleration values correctly.

+Created Interactable Object functionality, for use with non-collectable things that might affect gameplay.

+Fixed some internal headers for better clarity, and restructured the Item script to better work with Interactable Objects.

+Added functionality to make the item collection functionality prioritize items first before Interactable Objects.

+Created Interactable Object functionality, for use with non-collectable things that might affect gameplay.

+Fixed some internal headers for better clarity, and restructured the Item script to better work with Interactable Objects.

+Added functionality to make the item collection functionality prioritize items first before Interactable Objects.

+Fixed a bug that caused items to show their indicator lights even if their script is disabled.

+Various minor tweaks and polishes.

+Added pause menu Quit Game functionality. The player now gets a confirmation notice if they wish to exit the game.

+Created a main menu with limited functionality, including starting/quitting the game, and sound/music adjustment.

+Created a basic loading scene which is called by the main menu.

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