Taking a break

Since it was my first time working on animating 3D model on Unity, I have had a lot of trouble with importing it to Unity. I have been taking a break for a while because I got frustrated and stressed from troubles. That does not mean that I stopped working on it. I kept on trying to fix it and make it work. However, Every time I fixed something, there is always other problems with importing my human model fbx file to Unity.
For example, 1. locator that I put in maya, was not on the right position when I imported to Unity.
2. Animations that I have created with IK handles did not work in Unity. Because we don't use maya file, animating part was quite hard for me. However, there are more advantaged on using fbx file instead maya file, we decided to use fbx files. This decision made animator hard though, we keep learning from it.
3. Even though I set the right size in maya, human model size was not right on our game after importing to Unity. Besides, once I did bind skin for human model with joints, it's hard resize it. I have to to unbind skin, then I have to 1.resize it, 2.bind it with joints, 3. weight it. I did it over and over again.
Because it's first time working on 3D animation with game for all of us, we have learned a lot, but also we got stressed of our lack of experienced. Besides, we had a lot of meetings due to many problems. That made me exhausted from our project too. However, our team members kept on trying to cheer me up and waited me to stand up again. Besides, we finally made our Conspiracy theorist(human model) right in Unity. I have started animating it again. We had a conversation that we would be working on our project during winter break as well. Especially me, because I took a break, and we need animation of Conspiracy theorist for our game as soon as possible.
So far, I have done with walking and running, but I would like to take a look on my animation more, so that I could make better animation!