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Final changelog - for now.

Here’s the final changelog for this prototype. A lot of final polishes have been made, and some last-minute features have been implemented to make a more complete prototype. No doubt there are still a lot of polishes and optimizations that need to be made, but those will be tackled in the coming months. Either way, this will be the last post I make for a while, as I’ll be taking care of some other stuff over winter. I’ll be resuming my posts this coming spring semester. Here’s the last list of changes:

+Added a loading progress indicator on loading bar (still needs polishing).

+Adjusted NavMesh agent heights to stop NPCs from going through objects with overhangs.

+Added a new NavMesh agent type for the player, for NavMesh navigation during possible future cutscenes.

+Created a simple credits page and version number in the main menu.

+Added simple sounds to menu button clicks

+Added two kinds of sounds in the pause menu for button clicks.

+Added in Retreat functionality for the pause menu. For the time being, after a confirmation, the player is returned to the main menu.

+Fixed an error with the PauseMenu not properly going to the Item list.

+Fixed an error that did not reset TimeScale when the PauseMenu returns to the main menu and then the user restarts the level.

+Extended the attack range of the Test Conspiracy Theorists pending the actual model.

+Shrunk a few colliders that didn’t fit on their models properly.

+Significantly increased deceleration speed to permit for quicker stops.

+Added in new tutorial content to introduce the player to interactable objects.

->Adjusted the guide arrow to accommodate these new features.

+Fixed a bug where objects were not being tripped at all.

+Made the main menu reset pause capabilities each time the player returns to it.

+Modified Interactable Objects and Items so that they have enable/disable interactivity functions to make them more streamlined in functionality and more compatible with Event Triggers.

->Revamped the tutorial to make tutorial item management more efficient.

+Made Game Over functionality, which returns the player to the main menu once they’ve been caught 3 times.

+Fixed a bug with the player being able to interact with Interactable Objects, even when they aren’t supposed to be enabled.

+Added a toy store gate controller, which the player will interact with to leave the toy store after the tutorial is nearly complete.

+Made toy balls have less friction when collided with.

+Added a lives UI element, which updates every time a life is lost.

+Fixed an error where an NPC movement AI could improperly mark itself as attacking.

+Added colliders to the roof objects in the mall, and made them static.

+Made one “artifact” have a trigger collider to prevent unusual collision behavior.

+Adjusted the number of items needed to complete the level to 9, up from 7, to account for 4 of the items being in the tutorial.

+Adjusted the position the Guide Arrow points towards when it is directing the player to the level exit so that it does not end up pointing straight upward.

+Made a game over disable the player controls.

+Made functionality to make the player get repositioned to their respawn point if they should fall from the mall ground floor (while also losing a life).

+Rebaked the Lightmaps and NavMesh for the final prototype.

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