Busy Busy Changelog

Everything’s moving smoothly on the programming end of things, though things have been especially busy. With actual Conspiracy Theorists now lurking across the Mall, fully animated and functional, and the Park level starting to have content it looks like the game’s shaping up!
Here’s the new (long) list of changes:
Conspiracy Theorists
+Made a basic blendtree animation set for the new Conspiracy Theorist
+Set up basic Conspiracy Theorist behavior for the new, animated model
+Provided player detection systems for the animated Conspiracy Theorist model.
+Added one additional bugfix to the Attack behavior of the Conspiracy Theorist that was causing it to not reset properly.
+Revised the ConspiracyTheorist->Enemy->NPC chain of scripts’ Start() functions so that all three are called sequentially (for animator purposes).
+Created functionality for the Conspiracy Theorist’s Grab and holding animations. Functionality also now exists for holding objects while moving.
+Implemented the true Conspiracy Theorist enemy into the Mall
-Disabled the old, primitive-based Conspiracy Theorists to be used as a backup/reference.
+Fixed a major glitch that enabled Conspiracy Theorists to instantly catch the player if they got in range of them after making an attack previously, and having it interrupted by being tripped.
+Made a new Boolean for NPCs indicating to other scripts if they are currently tripped. Updated all related functions to provide this feedback information.
+Fixed a major glitch (with a lot of investigation) that caused NPCs to begin chasing the player upon seeing them, even after they had been tripped.
+Updated the EnemyDetection script to account for possible NPC trip status before alerting them to the player’s location. Many scripts were updated to provide trip checks to ensure that this problem is solved from all angles.
+Set various ConspiracyTheorist debug messages to #if statements for easy debugging toggling.
+Removed an unnecessary function in the NPC script that was being handled by a setter variable (IsRunning). +Set various ConspiracyTheorist debug messages to #if statements for easy debugging toggling.
Park Level
+Laid out a foundation for the Park picnic area.
+Added various objects to the park.
+Updated the mall bench prefab to change its center point to touch the ground (for easy placement purposes).
+Added a bunch of lightposts to the park
+Created more boundary walls to prevent the player from scaling up cliffs.
+Implemented a new dirt texture for the park.
+Lightmapped the park, and organized a few things into the proper project folders.
+Prefabed a few objects
-Discovered some objects’ properly sized models had disappeared. Used the larger versions temporarily for reference. The models have been reinstated.
+Adjusted the rock prefab’s collider to be more form-fitting.
+Placed some trees on the western side of the park
+Began placing dirt texture on various parts of the western side of the park.
+Added boundary walls on the cliffs to the south side of the park.
+Updated the terrain of the picnic area with dirt, and added a few different objects.
+Added benches and lightposts to the center fountain area of the park. Removed some blurred road texture in that area.
+Added a grass centerpiece to the northeast court for a tree or sapling to be planted.
+Added most of the necessary gameplay manager elements to the park scene.
Mall Level
+Made a prefab for a restaurant cash register.
-Removed a redundant PlayerStats object.
+Added debug messages to alert if a key singleton object was removed successfully on a scene’s termination.
+Created summaries for a few scripts for future reference, and updated a few more with relevant information.
+Created warning messages for several key singleton objects’ OnDestroy() functions if an additional instance is detected.
+Readjusted the Mall walls adjacent to the Restaurant
+Modified the colliders for the restaurant walls to be thicker.
+Refined several elements of the new Player object, and implemented it into the Mall Scene.
+Made prefabs of all 3 Canvas objects for easy implementation and updates between scenes.
+Made prefabs of various gameplay manager objects for easy implementation and updates between scenes.
+Added a check to the Pause_Trigger script to display a warning if a PauseMenu has not been set.
+Modified the toy store gate so that it disables the player’s guide arrow upon being opened.
+Added documentation to the Pause_Trigger script.
+Made additional tweaks to the new player prefab to account for the difference in its center point.
+Made a few more restaurant prefabs, some with rigidbodies.
+Fixed a few materials that were improperly marked as transparent.
+Baked the NavMesh again with the new changes.