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Shaping up!

Everything is really starting to shape up. The Park is coming along nicely, and the Restaurant is close to completion. It seems we are meeting our goals quite easily. I've even created the functionality for the Theorist Boss!

So here’s another changelog with my latest additions:

+Made a bunch of restaurant prefabs

+Grouped various items to ease organization.

+Adjusted the new tree leaves material to a Cutout material.

+Made a new tree prefab, and began placing it around the Park scene.

+Added various objects to the Park’s west side.

+Added a header to the Enemy class to designate its enemy-specific variables in the Inspector.

+Added some Conspiracy Theorists to the Park.

+Made the boundary walls in the park static

+Baked the Park NavMesh for the first time. NPC navigation is now possible.

+Gave Conspiracy Theorists an AudioSource component.

+NPCs that hit the ground after being tripped now play a crashing sound.

+Added a feature to the InteractableObject to make it play a sound if it’s applicable to the object.

+Gave the sliding gate its own sound as it activates

-Adjusted the speed of the toy store gate opening, and removed its Exit Time animation parameter.

+Adjusted the ArrowGuide feature to be higher off the ground so that it’s easier to notice.

+Moved the trigger for the Conspiracy Theorist tutorial prompt a little further away from the toy store gate to prevent premature activations.

+Blocked in the lower floor of the mall so the terrain isn’t showing.

+Added a sound to the mall sliding doors

+Increased the speed of the sliding doors’ animations, and removed the Exit Time parameter on these animations.

+Made numerous additions to the Park courts and the west side.

+Added a collider to one of the restaurant walls.

+Fixed a certain kind of table’s collider so that it wasn’t a Trigger collider.

+Added some details to the Mall terrain so that the player can have something to look at outside of the mall.

+Placed a non-interactive Conspiracy Theorist outside of the Toy Store to observe the player…

+Fixed a Park boundary wall collider so it isn’t a trigger collider.

+Added some additional placeholder textures to the Park for later use.

+Built the base for a parking lot in the Park.

+Added a couple of trees outside of the Mall toy store.

+Added a bunch of lightposts to the park, and made two new groupings

+Made a new folder for external assets

+Adjusted the Camera pivot point so that the camera looks higher above the player.

+Created a GoTo behavior for NPCs that enables them to go to a set destination, then resume normal behavior

+Adjusted some MovementAI setup to have initialization of NPC AI references occur in Awake() instead of Start().

+Rebaked the Park NavMesh with latest additions

+Fixed a lightpost that was hovering off the ground.

+Made the roaming range parameter’s value of movement AI accessible to other scripts for reference purposes.

+Made the new MovementAI GoTo behavior work with Transforms and Vector3 values interchangeably.

+Made some new Park prefabs, and began placing them across the West side of the Park.

+Removed various sharp edges on the Park terrain.

+Added a Flowerbed prefab

+Put some flowerbeds, trees, and bushes in the center of the park.

+Made a new SeeThrough layer, which allows Enemies to see through objects on this layer (such as objects with gaps in them).

+Updated the enemies’ line of sight objects accordingly.

+Put all benches on the SeeThrough layer - enemies now see the player through benches.

+Made the start of a Flower script.

Theorist Boss

+Created the basic functionality for the Theorist Boss

+Gave it the same Tripping and ResetBehavior functionality as the Conspiracy Theorist.

+Created the Theorist Boss’s ability to call other Conspiracy Theorists within a set area around them, and made a cooldown period for each use.

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