Park's nearly done; Items coming in!

Another week passes, and things continue to go well. Level-wise, the Park is just about finished (excluding lots of detail polish), and new items to collect are being scattered throughout. The Mall is also coming along, with the Restaurant finally being finished (unless there are any new additions I don’t yet know about).
Regardless, here’s the changes for another productive week:
+Created a dynamic LightToggle script, which can turn its own lights on and off when called.
+Created a prefab of a light switch, complete with a toggleable state.
+Created a LightSwitch script to work with the LightToggle script. Triggers switching any number of lights on and off.
+Removed redundant textures and materials, and renamed others.
+Removed all AI functionality on a certain Conspiracy Theorist…
+Lots of organizational additions.
+Made the Theorist Boss stop while he is calling for reinforcements.
+Refined NPC player-detection systems to prevent redundant calls to chase the player, or another currently-chased target. This has the side effect of improving AI chase behavior and making NPCs have smoother navigation.
+Created list functionality for 6 additional items for the Mall.
+Created item prefabs of 5 objects (primarily for the Park), and configured them for collection.
+Added a total of 7 new items (Mall and Park) to the ItemList script, with potentially more to come later.
+Sorted most Level Systems into a single grouping in both the Mall and the Park.
+Increased the ItemDetection area so that the player can collect items that are a little below them (especially on slopes).
+Removed unnecessary text from the Pause Menu’s Item List.
+Made the Pause Menu larger so it can accommodate more information for the Item List and other features.
+Added more lightposts to the park paths and the picnic area, finishing off placing lightposts in the scene.
+Added the LightToggle script to the Park lampposts.
+Added more trees to the southern and eastern sides of the Park.
+Added many bushes and benches to the eastern side of the park.
+Made hills and valleys for the east side of the park.
+Began adding dirt texture to the east side of the park.
+Created another few boundary walls to block un-traversable slopes and cliffs.
+Added more bushes and a few more flowerbeds.
+Added a lake on one side of the park, and added colliders to block the player from going into it.
+Added NavMesh Obstacles to the lake colliders to keep NPCs out of the water. Set them to Carve the NavMesh.
+Adjusted the terrain on and around the new lake.
+Created a prefab of a new lowpoly tree, and began placing it in the scene in numerous places.
+Added more bushes to the picnic area of the park.
+Painted more dirt around the picnic area.
+Added rocks of varying size to suitable locations, especially on the southern side of the lake.
+Set the Capture respawn point to the eastern side of the park.
+Added one particularly large tree to an open area on the eastern side of the park.
-Reduced the planned size of the park’s northern and southern areas by 98 Unity units.
+Increased the planned size of the park’s western and eastern areas by 2 Unity units.
+Added a few benches by the northern side of the lake.
+Implemented an ItemManager in the Park, with a total of 8 items to collect (so far).
+Organized existing groupings.
+Added various items, old and new, to the Park scene
+Added a collider to one of the large tree’s roots
+Added a bunch of bushes and flowers to the east side of the Park.
+Rebaked Park NavMesh with latest additions.
+Made the new Restaurant overhead lamp have a light source, complete with the LightToggle script.
+Adjusted the restaurant’s ceiling, and added a second plane to block directional lighting from outside of the mall.
+Recentered the Restaurant grouping object.
+Made the new Restaurant overhead lamp have a light source, complete with the LightToggle script.
+Set up all of the lights in the restaurant to work with the new light switch.
+Adjusted the restaurant’s ceiling, and added a second plane to block directional lighting from outside of the mall.
+Recentered the Restaurant grouping object.
+Implemented LightSwitch functionality in the Restaurant.
+Made the TV menu of the restaurant have a minor emission.
+Made a grouping for the Mall’s parking lot outside.
+Added prefabs of faraway buildings to the area outside of the toy store.
+Made a grouping for the faraway buildings
+Adjusted the Menu/Menu Holder prefab to remove clipping.
+Made the pepper shakers items, and updated the Mall list accordingly.
-Removed a stray testing item in the Mall
+Organized Items under a single grouping
+Organized several misc. systems into suitable existing groupings.