Park's nearly done, furniture store underway!

Another week passes, and progress has been great! I’ve added a level selection menu, complete with level unlock functionality, and I’ve nearly finished the Park level - it just needs a few more polishes to really be ready.
I’ve also done a lot of optimizations and tidying up in the process. All that’s left is the furniture store at this point, and we already have a good number of assets, ready to use.
But for now, here’s the list of new additions and changes:
+Created tags for NPCs and the Player’s wheels.
+Created a prefab for a hidden item, which has no mesh, but can be found inside of other objects. Can be made to represent any particular item.
+Changed the Level Complete trigger’s layer to a player-specific layer, so it won’t do collision checks with anything besides the player.
+Renamed the ‘descriptive’ name of water bottles to “Local Water Sample,” due to them now being present in both the Park and the Mall.
+Added a new version of the Conspiracy Theorist to the game, replacing the old one, and fixing the stunned animation.
+Changed MovementAI so that it calls on its previous behavior on startup - enabling its default behavior and its initial behavior to be different.
+Created a new script that can direct the player towards the nearest exit in a level.
+Retreating from a level now takes you to the new Level Selection screen.
Main Menu
+Resized a confirmation text that was not large enough to hold all of its text.
Level Selection
+Created a Level Selection scene, which will enable the player to go to the Mall or Park level.
+Created all of the button functionality to navigate between specific parts of the Level Selection Menu
+Made dynamic level selection functionality that enables the player to go to any level with just one function.
+Added details about each level - some information is still TBD.
+Made functionality to make level buttons locked at start, and unlocked at the start of the scene if the player has unlocked that particular level.
+Completing a level now takes you to the Level Selection screen instead of restarting the level.
+Added some fries and burgers (collectable) to the restaurant.
+Upped the number of burgers needed to meet requirements to 4, up from 2.
+Fixed a collider for a particularly big rock to make it fit to the model more seamlessly.
+Created a lightblocking quad on the roof of the Toy Store to prevent directional light influence in an indoor area.
+Created a primitive-based light prefab for the toy store.
+Created functionality to have the tutorial be able to be skipped on startup of the mall level, while also disabling most of the setup the tutorial usually does in the process.
+Made it so that completing the Mall level unlocks the Park level.
+Implemented a crushed flower texture to all flowers.
+Created functionality to cause the player to crush flowers if they run over them.
+Implemented functionality to allow flowers to be crushed by wheels and any NPC.
+Added numerous items to the scene, including hidden objects in trash cans.
+Added more bushes to the east side of the park.
+Added a couple more trash cans to the east side of the park, with one of them holding an item.
+Created a placeholder fence to mark out the boundaries of the level.
+Added trees, bushes, and rocks to the previously-empty northwestern part of the park.
+Created two level exits for the Park - one in the northwest, and one in the southeast.
+Configured the Park’s ItemManager to work with these two level exits.
+Added a ‘descriptive’ name to the newspapers in the park.
+Gave non-trigger colliders to the magazine items, so that they don’t fall through the scene when they have a rigidbody added to them.
+Replaced some instances of one tree with the newer version in early portions of the Park’s development.
+Added non-trigger colliders to the sunglasses.
+Created a placeholder item for the soda can, and began scattering it throughout the scene.
+Added some trees and bushes to the SE side of the park.
+Added more theorists to the park.
+Set the number of required items for the level (subject to change).
+Flattened a path close to the player’s spawn point.
+Added numerous more items to the park.