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Wrapping up additions - polishing coming up.

So we’re heading into the home stretch of development for this semester, and we’re wrapping up asset development. After the 12th of April, we’re going to focus mainly on polishing what we already have, and in my case, focus on making music for the rest of the game, and do lots of bugfixing.

But for now, here’s the latest changes:


+Game setting scrollbars now carry settings between scenes.

+Gave an emission to the guide arrow to make it more noticeable, esp. in dark areas.

+Replaced the old arrowGuide model with a new one, keeping all existing functionality intact.

+Added the image of the Restaurant’s logo onto the mall Digital Directory’s image cycle.

+Added a prefab for a taller backdrop building

+Added numerous more building backdrop outside the mall.

+Set the player’s rigidbody collision type to continuous


+Made a prefab of a bookshelf that will serve as a ramp.

+Adjusted the mall wall on the side of the furniture store to have only one entrance.

+Fixed an error that caused the pepper shaker item to be collectable more than once.

+Repaired the positioning of the pastry display prefab.

+Marked down a site for a new lounge area.

+Made a prefab of a number holder for the restaurant, and gave them numbers 1-10.

+Gave restaurant chairs rigidbodies, and adjusted their colliders.

+Fixed a Restaurant material that wasn’t supposed to be transparent.

+Added a few more items to the coffee kiosk.

+Relocated the Turbo Energizer item closer to the coffee kiosk, and put a new Attention Blocker in its place.

+Added 8 more Attention Blockers (up from 5, for a total of 13), and made the Attention Blocker collect requirement 9 (up from 5).

+Added several more newspaper stands to various locations as well.

+Incorporated the FakeItem system directly into the newspaper stand prefab.

+Gave a true collect requirement to the Soggy Sticks item.


+Added water to the fountain.

+Rebaked the NavMesh with the latest changes.

+Created a new particle system for the fountain in the center of the park, and configured it to simulate water flowing.

+Reorganized several textures that were out of place.

+Fixed an error that caused the lollipop, sunglasses, baseball cap, magazine, and placeholder soda can items to be collectable more than once, and be collectable even if the player is supposed to be collecting something else.

+Applied a new road texture to the park.

+Adjusted the terrain around where the fence will be so that there are fewer extreme slopes.

+Added more dirt texture to the lake floor.

+Relocated one Attention Blocker item to be in a more reasonable location.

+Added Kinematic Rigidbodies to the Lake colliders to stop the player from clipping into the lake.

+Added a new collider to the gazebo

àDidn’t change much - the player can still go through the pillar it’s on, though it’s a tad more difficult to do.

+Adjusted the positioning of the lake.

NPCs/Theorist Boss

+Added additional documentation to the NPC family of scripts.

+Implemented a new Conspiracy Theorist model, complete with the new Theorist Boss Whistling animation.

+Adjusted the Theorist Boss’s call range to a more reasonable range.

+Made the NPC AudioSource a protected variable (previously was private).

+Added additional documentation to the NPC family of scripts.

+Configured an official Theorist Boss enemy in the Park scene.

+When calling for help, the Theorist Boss stops in place, and resumes movement at the end of his call.

+Implemented the whistling animation with the Theorist Boss.

+Added several sounds variables and implementation in the NPC family of classes.

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