Music and Polishes

So this changelog is a little later than usual, but once again, more progress has been made. This time around, I’ve figured out a way to stop the player from clipping through things (though much more testing is still required), and I’ve even found ways to optimize the player controller. Audio work is now in full swing as well, and we’ve incorporated some voices to the Conspiracy Theorists.
Meanwhile, I’m working on a music track for the Park, and hopefully afterward, the Level Selection screen. I’m halfway done with the park music track at this point. It should hopefully be in a finished state by sometime next week.
At any rate, here’s the new list of changes:
+Imported 3 new items from Jeehyun, and applied their textures.
+Made 4 new item prefabs, a pen, a price tag, a mug and a candle.
+Increased Deceleration Factor to 18, up from 14.
+Increased Hard Reverse Factor to 12, doubled from 6.
+Added some missing documentation to the PlayerControls script’s Caught() function.
+Updated the Lives UI element with a backdrop sprite to make it easier to distinguish/notice.
+Made the Toy Store Entrances have regular box colliders and kinematic rigidbodies.
+Added a rug to a corner of the mall, where a lounge will be present.
+Added some cardboard boxes to the entrance of the furniture store.
+Gave the cardboard boxes a NavMesh Obstacle that carves into the NavMesh to affect NPC AI.
+Put a bunch of Value Identifier objects in a pile on top of the furniture store boxes.
+Set a definite value on how many Value Identifiers and Handheld Printing Tools you need to meet those particular requirements.
+Created two prefabs for the lounge area.
+Set the Generic Store Entrance’s NavMesh Obstacle to carve into the NavMesh.
+Added another Local Water Sample and a Rectangular Transporter to the new lounge area.
+Added one Rectangular Transporter next to a reading Conspiracy Theorist at the coffee kiosk.
+Increased the number of required Rectangular Transporters to 4, up from 3.
+Adjusted the Lounge grouping for easier placement of items
+Added some chairs and vases to the lounge
+Polished the parking lot, reducing texture blending, and made the parking lot a little lower than the sidewalk.
+Fixed an issue where the Guide Arrow was not showing up properly once the player has collected enough items to head towards the Mall exit.
+Added a new advertisement on the Mall Digital Directory cycle, and made the map screen appear a little more frequently between ads.
+Added a few posters to the Furniture store area (coming soon), and to the empty kiosk (for sale).
+Added four Handled Liquid Holders to the Coffee Kiosk
+Set a definitive requirement for Handled Liquid Holders to 4.
+Rebaked NavMesh with new changes.
+Replaced the old primitive version of the soda can with an actual model.
+Added a rocky texture to the scene, and painted the mountains with this new texture.
+Adjusted some fences to align with the ground in the North side of the park.
+Rebaked Park NavMesh again.
+Created Spaceship Replica and Artificial Avian prefabs.
+Added several more Spaceship Replicas to the park, and set the number of Spaceship Replicas required to 4, up from 1.
+Made one Spaceship Replica fall out of a tree when the player comes close.
+Set a definitive number of required Artificial Avian artifacts to 1.
+Added a specialized collider to the fountain in the center of the park, and made the fountain a prefab.
+Added a proper, unique material to the Theorist Boss.
+Made two sounds protected instead of private
+Added trip sound implementation to the Enemy Class.
+Added voice clips to several NPCs
+Made the NPC’s current move type value accessible to other scripts.
+Created a check for enemies to not redundantly make a call to their MovementAI system to start chasing the player.
+Added voice clips to all the enemies in the Park.
+Fixed an error where Conspiracy Theorists’ catch routine was not being referenced properly.
+Added functionality for a sound to play when the player is caught by an enemy, and thus loses a life (sound TBD).
+Added functionality to play a game over sound (sound TBD).
+Added some debug messages for the AudioAdjuster system to better test sound/music adjustment functionality.
+Fixed a glitch where the sound multiplier for adjusting sounds was instead referencing the music multiplier, resulting in unusual scrollbar behavior.