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Polishes Galore, and Cloned Textures Abound!

This week has seen a lot of polishes and quality of life improvements. I’m slowly but surely ironing out all the remaining issues with the game, and it’s starting to look really tidy. I’ve also been going around deleting duplicate textures that our cloud-based system, Unity Collaborate, seems to keep generating for some reason.

I really have no idea why it does that.

Here’s the new list of changes:


+Whenever the player loses a life, the Lives UI element will flash briefly.

+Restructured collision-based event trigger scripts so that one is player-based, and another is object-specific.

àOne was renamed to EventTrigger_PlayerCollide, while a new one was created: EventTrigger_GeneralCollide

+Fixed a UnityException message for event trigger scripts that was naming the incorrect script.

+Made the White image/texture sized to a power of 4 for easier compression/better handling as a texture.

-Removed various duplicate materials/textures

+Added a new music ditty for a Game Over, and increased the length of time of the Game Over routine to fix this new ditty.

+A Game Over results in the level music being turned off as well.

+Modified the UI Message target position for lower-positioned messages to keep them from becoming detached from the bottom edge of the screen.


+Made prefabs of two low-poly cars

+Made a prefab of an external mall wall, and began placing them around the mall.

+Prefabed the new curb object, and put it on the toy store side of the parking lot road.

+Did some touchup to the Mall terrain.

+Placed the Restaurant line dividers on the SeeThrough layer to enable NPCs to see the player through them.

+Added a couple of idle Conspiracy Theorists in the Restaurant.

+Gave voice clips to all of the Mall Conspiracy Theorists

+Added a prefab of an ATM machine

+Reset the flashing life UI variable to the proper UI image in the Mall scene.

+Increased the minimum distance the player must be from the Tutorial’s tutorial item to 4.5f (up from 4.0f).

+Made DigitalDirectories pick a random screen to show on the start of a scene.


+Finalized work on creating a Conspiracy Theorist ambush, which also provides an item for the player to collect upon being triggered.

+Made 3 more prefab variants of the Carbonated Liquid Containers, and put one of each in the scene

+Added NavMesh Colliders to the Court boundary walls, and made them Carve the NavMesh.

+Painted some dirt texture around bushes throughout the park.

+Added a couple of Conspiracy Theorists around the court area, who are just hanging out until called by a Theorist Boss.

+Adjusted some objects’ positions in the Northwest side of the park to make AI navigation much smoother.

+Created 2 more Theorist Ambushes.

+Created an all-purpose random enabler script to enable one of 3 possible Theorist Ambushes at the start of the level.


+Imported Jeehyun’s new general NPC models, and made prefabs of them

+Gave the new generic NPC prefabs NPC behavior and tripping functionality.

-Reduced the range of Conspiracy Theorists’ AudioSource.

+Created a new routine for MovementAI that enables an NPC to trip automatically upon being enabled in the scene. Used for ambushes.

+Increased the depth of NPC sight range so that they can see targets that are higher or lower than themselves.

-Removed certain layers from the Conspiracy

+Increased the Theorist Boss’s call range to 150 (up from 100).

+Updated the Conspiracy Theorist model with a fixed Whistle animation.

+Added animations to the generic female NPC.

+Fixed a bug that caused Generic Female NPCs to refer to the Generic Male NPC’s NavMesh Calculator.

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